Tomatoes stuffed with Paliria Quinoa Dolmas

An alternative version of a traditional dish. Try tomatoes stuffed with Paliria quinoa dolmas and you will be surprised by this surprisingly tasty combination.

The required ingredients for Tomatoes stuffed with Paliria Quinoa Dolmas

4 packages of 200g Paliria quinoa dolmas

8 medium tomatoes for filling

2 tbsp breadcrumbs

4 tablespoons of olive oil

Some sugar

Salt & pepper

The steps for a perfect dish with Tomatoes stuffed with Paliria Quinoa Dolmas

1. We remove the flesh from the tomatoes, which we then mash. Salt and pepper each tomato, add a pinch of sugar and fill it with 2-3 quinoa dolmas, depending on its size.

2. Mix the tomato juice with the olive oil, place the tomatoes in an oiled pan, cover each tomato with the lid and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs.

3. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 40-50 minutes.

4. Let the food cool a bit and serve!