
The nutritional value of chickpeas


Chickpeas are on the base of the Mediterranean Diet pyramid. It is recommended that these foods should be eaten often in any one week.

Like other legumes, chickpeas are an excellent source of protein, fiber, iron, vitamin B6, folic acid and magnesium and are gluten-free.

The high concentration of nutritional elements in chickpeas has been associated with many potential health benefits.

  • Improving bone health: Chickpeas contain phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K all of which help to build and maintain bone structure and strength.
  • Improving heart function: Chickpeas contain significant amounts of fiber which help to reduce the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Chickpeas are associated with the prevention of various forms of cancer: Chickpeas are known for their high selenium content, which helps remove some carcinogenic compounds from the liver. In addition, selenium prevents inflammation and reduces tumor growth rates. Chickpeas also contain folic acid, which plays a role in the synthesis and correction of genetic material (DNA), thus helping to prevent the formation of cancer cells by mutations in DNA. In addition, the phytoestrogens in chickpeas impede the proliferation and spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
  • Reduction of appetite and body weight: The fibers in chickpeas make you feel full and reduce your appetite. As people feel full for longer, they reduce their total calorie intake.

Nutritional analysis of the recipes

1) Chickpeas with onions & carrots in lemon sauce: aunique meal which is rich in phytoestrogens which are essential for treating a variety of gynecological problems. When eaten with olive oil and onions, chickpeas provide the body with B vitamins which improve memory and mental performance.

Nutritional analysis of the recipe

  • Low in sugars (since it contains less than 5g of sugars / 100g)
  • Source of fiber as it provides 12% of the recommended daily requirements
  • A good source of protein, since 13% of the energy value of the food is provided by protein.

2) Chickpeas with cumin and herbs in a lemon sauce: Adding cumin and herbs to chickpeas gives us a meal which is rich in natural substances that act as antioxidants and inhibit the action of microscopic free radicals that affect healthy cells. Antioxidants help us to feel healthier and more energetic while also helping to combat skin aging. Additionally, this recipe is ideal if you want to enhance your body’s immune defenses as the active ingredients in the cumin seeds have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This means that if you are suffering from any pain or inflammation adding cumin to your diet can tackle these symptoms.

  • Low in sugars (since it contains less than 5g of sugars / 100g)
  • Good source of fiber as it provides 63% of the recommended daily requirements.

3) Chickpeas with red peppers in a lemon sauce: The combination of peppers and lemon in this recipe increases its vitamin C content. This increases the absorption of the natural iron found in the chick peas. Because of this, this meal is a good alternative to meat for vegetarians and those who are avoiding meat for religious reasons. In addition, a high vitamin C intake is associated with delaying skin aging as vitamin C plays a role in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

  • Low in sugars (since it contains less than 5g of sugars / 100g)
  • Provides 20% of the recommended daily dietary fiber requirements (good source).
  • A good source of protein, since 14% of the energy value of the food is provided by protein.

4) Chickpeas with olives and carrots in a tomato sauce: This recipe provides complex carbohydrates (starch) for “fast” energy, and potassium which helps to regulate blood pressure. It also supplies the body with important antioxidant compounds such as vitamins C and E, lycopene and oleuropein. These substances protect the blood vessels, contribute to good blood circulation and stimulate the immune system and skin health

  • Low in sugars (since it contains less than 5g of sugars / 100g)
  • Source of fiber as it provides 14% of the recommended daily requirements